GridEx VII: Testing the Resilience of North America's Power Grid

GridEx VII, hosted by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation's Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC), brings together over 250 electricity industry organizations to test their response and recovery plans against simulated cyber and physical attacks. This article explores how PJM, one of the participants, prepares and enhances its ability to keep the power flowing, ensuring the resilience of the North American power grid.

GridEx VII: Enhancing Grid Security Through Simulation

Discover how GridEx VII provides a platform for electricity industry organizations to test their response and recovery plans against simulated cyber and physical attacks.

GridEx VII, hosted by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation's Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC), is a critical exercise that allows participants to assess their preparedness in the face of cyber and physical threats.

By simulating attacks on critical infrastructure across North America, GridEx VII enables organizations like PJM to enhance their coordination and response capabilities, ensuring the resilience of the power grid.

During the exercise, participants from grid operators, utilities, and government agencies work together to address simulated events that directly impact the bulk electric system.

Through this comprehensive simulation, industry professionals gain valuable insights and learnings that contribute to the continuous improvement of their security measures.

PJM's Participation in GridEx VII

Explore how PJM, a leading grid operator, actively participates in GridEx VII to strengthen its response and recovery ability.

PJM, a key participant in GridEx since its inception in 2011, plays a crucial role in testing its response and recovery plans.

With over 40 organizations within the PJM footprint involved in GridEx VII, including state agencies and various teams across PJM, the exercise provides a comprehensive evaluation of the company's preparedness.

During the two-day event, PJM's personnel from different departments, such as control room, physical security, cybersecurity, and communications, collaborate to respond to simulated events.

By actively engaging in GridEx VII, PJM aims to continuously improve its ability to keep the power flowing, regardless of the circumstances.

Lessons Learned from GridEx VII

Discover the valuable lessons and insights gained by PJM and other participants through their involvement in GridEx VII.

GridEx VII provides a unique opportunity for participants to encounter scenarios they have never faced before, testing their response and recovery ability.

By participating in the simulation, PJM and other organizations gain valuable insights into their strengths and areas for improvement in coordinating responses within and outside their regions.

The lessons learned from GridEx VII are instrumental in enhancing the industry's ability to tackle security threats effectively and ensure the continuous flow of power.

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