US Lawmaker Criticizes American Firms for Supporting Chinese President Xi Jinping

In a scathing critique, Congressman Chris Smith has called out top American firms for their participation in events hosted by Chinese President Xi Jinping during the APEC Summit. Smith, Chair of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, has accused Xi of being responsible for the repression of various groups in China, including Uyghurs, Tibetans, Falun Gong practitioners, underground Christians, and human rights activists. Smith's criticism extends to Xi's creation of a surveillance state, threats to Taiwan and neighboring countries, and the harassment of dissidents and human rights advocates. This article delves into the details of Smith's condemnation and highlights the concerns raised by the CECC and USCIRF regarding US corporations' business dealings in China amidst human rights abuses.

US Corporations' Participation in Events with President Xi Jinping

Examining the criticism of American firms attending events hosted by Chinese President Xi Jinping

US Congressman Chris Smith, Chair of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, has expressed strong disapproval of top American firms participating in events held by Chinese President Xi Jinping during the APEC Summit. Smith argues that this corporate support contradicts America's commitment to human rights and the rule of law, given Xi's record of repression and human rights abuses in China.

Despite concerns raised by the CECC and USCIRF regarding human rights abuses in China, US corporations continue to conduct business in the country, often turning a blind eye to forced labor, mass detention, and religious freedom violations. This sub-heading delves into the details of Congressman Smith's criticism and the implications of US corporations' involvement in events with President Xi Jinping.

Xi Jinping's Repression of Various Groups in China

Highlighting the responsibility of Chinese President Xi Jinping for the repression of Uyghurs, Tibetans, Falun Gong practitioners, underground Christians, and human rights activists

Congressman Chris Smith accuses Chinese President Xi Jinping of being responsible for the repression of several groups in China, including Uyghurs, Tibetans, Falun Gong practitioners, underground Christians, and human rights activists. Smith emphasizes the need for US corporations to acknowledge these human rights abuses and take a stand against them.

The plight of these marginalized groups has been widely documented, with reports of forced labor, mass surveillance, and detention camps. Despite the evidence, Xi's regime continues to suppress dissent and violate human rights. This section explores the specific instances of repression and the implications for US corporations.

Creation of a Surveillance State and Threats to Taiwan

Examining Xi Jinping's role in creating a surveillance state and his threats to Taiwan and neighboring countries

Congressman Chris Smith raises concerns about Xi Jinping's role in creating a surveillance state in China. The Chinese government's extensive surveillance apparatus has been used to monitor and control its citizens, stifling dissent and violating privacy rights.

In addition to the surveillance state, Xi has also made aggressive moves towards Taiwan and neighboring countries, posing a threat to regional stability. This sub-heading delves into the details of Xi's surveillance state and the implications of his actions for US corporations operating in China.

Harassment of Dissidents and Human Rights Advocates

Highlighting the harassment of dissidents and human rights advocates by Xi Jinping's henchmen

Congressman Chris Smith criticizes Xi Jinping for allowing his henchmen to harass dissidents and human rights advocates, not only within China but also in the United States. Smith emphasizes the need for US corporations to be aware of and address these issues when conducting business in China.

The harassment of dissidents and human rights advocates has a chilling effect on free speech and the promotion of human rights. This section explores specific instances of harassment and the challenges faced by those who speak out against Xi's regime.

US Corporations' Ignoring of Human Rights Abuses in China

Examining the criticism of US corporations for conducting business in China while ignoring human rights abuses

The CECC and USCIRF have condemned US corporations for their business dealings in China while turning a blind eye to human rights abuses. This sub-heading delves into the specific concerns raised by these commissions, including forced labor, mass detention, and religious freedom violations.

Commissioner Nury Turkel calls on US companies to comply with US laws and work with the government to prevent human rights abuses. The article explores the implications of US corporations' silence on these issues and the potential for change.

Positive Developments in US-China Relations

Highlighting positive developments in US-China relations, including high-level talks and cooperation in combating illicit drug trafficking

Congressman Gregory W Meeks and Ami Bera welcome President Joe Biden's decision to host Xi Jinping for a summit in San Francisco. They emphasize the importance of competition and diplomacy in the US-China relationship and highlight the agreement between the two nations to resume high-level military and defense talks.

In addition, the US and China have agreed to cooperate in combating illicit drug trafficking, addressing a shared concern. This section explores these positive developments and their potential impact on the overall relationship between the two countries.

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